Juzisound LTD is committed to complying with the EU General Data Protection Regulations.
The Data Protection Law give you various rights regarding the way in which we store and use your information.
Juzisound LTD is fully committed to respecting your privacy and protecting any information you provide.
We only use the information you provide to process orders you may place with Juzisound LTD.
To make purchases, you don't need to register as a customer, but will be required to provide us with your contact information, needed to process any orders you place with us.
When you make a purchase with us, we collect, store and use certain of your personal information, in line with this policy. To make a purchase, usually through a private chat or a call via social media platforms, we ask for your:
 - name
 - email address
 - postal address
 - phone contact details
When you make a purchase, our payment service providers will collect and process your credit card or other payment details.
We don't hold any card details, they are all handled by our payment service providers. We don't have access to your full credit card number.
We only use information you provide to process orders you may place. We will keep these information as long as it is necessary under your warranty agreement, under EU and national consumer rights regulation or until relevant storage requirements from financial and tax authorities expire.
We use the information collected from you to process your order. By submitting an order your personal details will be shared with the relevant licensed courier companies, for billing and tax purposes or if we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation or regulatory matter.
You have certain rights under the Data Protection Laws, including:
 1. The right at any time to withdraw your consent to our processing of your Personal Data.
 2. The right to be told what Personal Data we hold about you on our database and how we process that data.
 3. The right to request that we provide you with a copy (in a commonly used electronic format) of all the Personal Data that we hold about you. Unless you make repeated requests, we will not charge a fee for providing you with a copy of this data.
 4. The right to request that we correct any inaccurate or incomplete Personal Data that we hold about you.
 5. The right to request that we irretrievably delete all Personal Data that we hold about you (the so-called “right to be forgotten”). Note that there are limited circumstances in which we are legally entitled to refuse to comply with this request.
We don't automatically track any information about you because our website does not use cookies or any other technologies for identification.